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Client Configuration

  1. Option Classes
  2. Examples
    1. Mixing it all together

Every client optionally accepts a type of Options argument in it's constructor, allowing you to provide your own pre-defined configuration to the client. The Options interface is simply a container for Option instances.

The library provides an OptionsBuilder class to facilitate in defining custom configuration options in a type-safe manner for a specific module. This builder class can be instantiated by calling the static method builder() of an options container class (e.g. SourceQueryOptions.builder())

List of available option classes

Options with scope All can be used on any module while those with restricted scopes can only be used within their associated containers. For example, you are not allowed to add SourceRconOptions.USE_TERMINATOR_PACKET option inside a container of type SourceQueryOptions while options with global scope (e.g. GeneralOptions, ConnectOptions) are allowed.

Options Class Description Scope
GeneralOptions Options that can be used by all modules. All
ConnectOptions Failsafe options that applies to the process of acquiring a new connection All
FailsafeOptions Failsafe options that applies to module specific operations All
SourceQueryOptions Options specific to the Source query module Source Query
MasterServerOptions Options specific to the Master server query module Master Query
SourceRconOptions Options specific to the Source RCON query module RCON Query
HttpOptions Options specific to the Web API module Web API


Mixing it all together

Here is an example of adjusting the configuration parameters of the SourceQueryClient. Combined with GeneralOptions, ConnectOptions and module specific FailsafeOptions.

class ConfigExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //SourceRconOptions options = SourceRconOptions.builder()
        //MasterServerOptions options = MasterServerOptions.builder()
        //HttpOptions options = HttpOptions.builder();
        SourceQueryOptions options = SourceQueryOptions.builder()
                                                       .option(GeneralOptions.CONNECTION_POOLING, false) //disable connection pooling for source queries
                                                       .option(ConnectOptions.FAILSAFE_RETRY_DELAY, 5000L) //change retry duration to 5 seconds if connection to the game server fails
                                                       .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_ENABLED, true) //turn on rate limiting for server queries
                                                       .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_TYPE, RateLimitType.SMOOTH) //change rate limit strategy for source queries
                                                       .option(GeneralOptions.THREAD_EXECUTOR_SERVICE, customExecutor) //provide a custom executor service
                                                       .option(GeneralOptions.READ_TIMEOUT, 5000) //change socket read timeout duration to 5 seconds
        SourceQueryClient client = new SourceQueryClient(options);