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Source RCON

  1. Failsafe Features
  2. Examples
    1. Authentication
    2. Commands
    3. Invalidating credentials
    4. Cleanup Connections
    5. Display connection statistics
    6. Providing your own custom CredentialsStore implementation
    7. Compatibility with non-source games
  3. Note about Rust RCON

About this module

  • The rcon module maintains a pool of re-usable connections by default.
  • Connections are made on-demand. The maximum number of connections can be set via configuration.
  • Connections are guaranteed to be always authenticated, assuming that the registered credentials remain valid.
  • A connection that has not been used after a certain period of time will be considered as inactive. Inactive connections are dropped automatically by the library. You can change this behavior via configuration.
  • You only need to authenticate an address once via authenticate(InetSocketAddress, byte[]). The library will automatically authenticate new connections if needed.
  • Credentials are stored in the CredentialsStore (Default: InMemoryCredentialsStore). You can provide your own implementation via configuration.

Failsafe Features

List of failsafe features implemented on this module

Policy Options Class Enabled by Default Description
Retry Policy FailsafeOptions Yes A request is re-sent when a TimeoutException is thrown
Circuit Breaker Policy FailsafeOptions Yes Fail-fast when a certain number of failures reach the specified threshold


REMEMBER Avoid long running tasks within your completion handlers that will block the event-loop thread, doing so will potentially cause the application to hang indefinitely. Read more about coding best practices here.

  • SourceRconAuthResponse is the response returned for authentication requests. Receiving this response object indicates that the server has responded normally. Use the isAuthenticated() getter method to check if the authentication was successful. If it returns false, then a reason code/message will be included in the response object.
  • A SourceRconCmdResponse is the response returned for command requests. Use the getResult() method to retrieve the result.
  • There are cases when the authentication request fails and the resulting future completes in error. If this happens, check the type of exception to determine the cause of the authentication failure. Below is the list of possible exceptions that are thrown in the event of an authentication failure.
Type Description
RconMaxLoginAttemptsException Thrown when the server has dropped the connection without responding and the maximum number of login attempts has been reached
RconInvalidCredentialsException Thrown if the credentials is no longer valid. Reauthentication required.
RconNotYetAuthException Thrown when a command request was attempted but the address has not yet been authenticated by the server

Basic example of authenticating with the source server

class RconAuthExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try (SourceRconClient client = new SourceRconClient()) {
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27015);
            SourceRconAuthResponse response = client.authenticate(address, password.getBytes()).join();
            //Check authenticated flag
            if (!response.isAuthenticated()) {
                System.err.printf("Failed to authenticate with server (Reason: %s, Code: %s)%n", response.getReason(), response.getReasonCode().name());
            //do something here...
            System.out.println("Successfully authenticated with server");
        } catch (RconAuthException ex) {
            System.err.printf("Failed to authenticate with server (Reason: %s)%n", ex.getReason());

Basic example of sending a command to a source server.


class RconCmdExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try (SourceRconClient client = new SourceRconClient()) {
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27015);
            //1. authenticate....
            //2. send command
            SourceRconCmdResponse response = client.execute(address, "status").join();
            System.out.printf("Got response from server '%s': %s%n", response.getAddress(), response.getResult());
        } catch (RconException ex) {
            System.err.printf("Failed to authenticate with server (Reason: %s)%n", ex.getReason());
Invalidating Credentials

class RconCmdExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try (SourceRconClient client = new SourceRconClient()) {
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27015);
            //1. authenticate....
            //2. send command
            SourceRconCmdResponse response = client.execute(address, "status").join();
            System.out.printf("Got response from server '%s': %s%n", response.getAddress(), response.getResult());

            //invalidate only connections

            //invalidate everything + credentials (this will require re-authentication)
        } catch (RconException ex) {
            System.err.printf("Failed to authenticate with server (Reason: %s)%n", ex.getReason());
Cleaning up active connections
  • Use cleanup() to only close inactive/unused connections (this is the same as cleanup(false).
  • Use cleanup(true) to force close all connections.

class RconCmdExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try (SourceRconClient client = new SourceRconClient()) {
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27015);
            //1. authenticate....
            //2. send command
            SourceRconCmdResponse response = client.execute(address, "status").join();
            System.out.printf("Got response from server '%s': %s%n", response.getAddress(), response.getResult());

            //Cleanup only inactive connections

            //force close all active connections

            //calling execute will trigger a new connection and authentication request
            SourceRconCmdResponse res = client.execute(address, "status").join();
            System.out.printf("Response: %s%n", res.getResult());
        } catch (RconException ex) {
            System.err.printf("Failed to authenticate with server (Reason: %s)%n", ex.getReason());
Display connection statistics
  • getStatistics() generates metadata information on the active connections of the session.
class ConnectionStatistics {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try (SourceRconClient rconClient = new SourceRconClient()) {
            SetMultimap<InetSocketAddress, SourceRconMessenger.ConnectionStats> stats = rconClient.getStatistics();
            final Supplier<Console.Colorize> console = () -> Console.colorize(true);
            int ctr = 1;
            for (InetSocketAddress address : stats.keySet()) {
                console.get().blue().text("%02d)", ctr++).white().text(" Address ").reset().yellow().text("'%s'", address).println();
                int connCtr = 1;
                for (SourceRconMessenger.ConnectionStats connStats : stats.get(address)) {
                    Console.Colorize con = console.get();
                            .purple("\t(%02d)", connCtr++).reset()
                            .cyan("\t[Connection Id]: ").white(connStats.getConnectionId()).reset()
                            .cyan("\t[Local Address]: ").white(connStats.getLocalAddress().toString()).reset()
                            .cyan("\t[Acquire Count]: ").white("%03d", connStats.getAcquireCount()).reset()
                            .cyan("\t[Last Acquired]: ").white("%s sec(s) ago", Time.getTimeDesc(connStats.getLastAcquiredMs(), true)).reset();

                    if (connStats.isAcquired()) {
                        con.cyan().text("\t[Is Acquired]: ").reset().yellow().text("%s", connStats.isAcquired()).reset();
                    } else {
                        con.cyan().text("\t[Is Acquired]: ").reset().green().text("%s", connStats.isAcquired()).reset();

                    if (connStats.isAuthenticated()) {
                        con.cyan("\t[Is Authenticated]: ").reset().green("%s", connStats.isAuthenticated()).reset();
                    } else {
                        con.cyan("\t[Is Authenticated]: ").reset().red("%s", connStats.isAuthenticated()).reset();

                    con.cyan("\t[Thread Name]: ").reset()
                       .white("%s", connStats.getThreadName()).reset()
Providing your own custom CredentialsStore implementation
  • Simply implement the CredentialsStore interface then pass it to the SourceRconOptions.CREDENTIALS_STORE option.
class CustomCredentialsStoree {

    private final CredentialsStore credentialsStore = new CredentialsStore() {
        private final Map<InetSocketAddress, Credentials> credentials = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

        public Credentials get(InetSocketAddress address) {
            return credentials.get(address);

        public Credentials add(InetSocketAddress address, byte[] passphrase) {
            if (passphrase == null || passphrase.length == 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passphrase cannot be null or empty");
            final Credentials newCredentials = new SourceRconCredentials(passphrase);
            final Credentials oldCredentials = credentials.put(address, newCredentials);
            if (oldCredentials != null) {
            return newCredentials;

        public void remove(InetSocketAddress address) {

        public void clear() {
            int size = credentials.size();

        public boolean exists(InetSocketAddress address) {
            return credentials.containsKey(address);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final SourceRconOptions options = SourceRconOptions.builder()
                                                           .option(SourceRconOptions.CREDENTIALS_STORE, credentialsStore)
        //Test authentication
        try (SourceRconClient rconClient = new SourceRconClient(options)) {
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27015);
            SourceRconAuthResponse response = rconClient.authenticate(address, password.getBytes()).join();
            //Check authenticated flag
            if (!response.isAuthenticated()) {
                System.err.printf("Failed to authenticate with server (Reason: %s, Code: %s)%n", response.getReason(), response.getReasonCode().name());
            System.out.printf("Successfully authenticated with server: %s%n", address);
Compatibility with non-source games

In case of issues with the rcon module on non-source based games (e.g. Minecraft), you can try and set SourceRconOptions.USE_TERMINATOR_PACKET option to false.

Games such as Minecraft does not support “terminator packets” as it does not echo back the response packets receives. So if the game server does not support this, then this configuration option should be disabled. A special heuristics will be used instead to determine the end of the response.

class NonSourceBasedGames {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //in case 
        final SourceRconOptions options = SourceRconOptions.builder()
                                                           .option(SourceRconOptions.USE_TERMINATOR_PACKET, false)
        //Test authentication
        try (SourceRconClient rconClient = new SourceRconClient(options)) {
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27015);
            SourceRconAuthResponse response = rconClient.authenticate(address, password.getBytes()).join();
            //Check authenticated flag
            if (!response.isAuthenticated()) {
                System.err.printf("Failed to authenticate with server (Reason: %s, Code: %s)%n", response.getReason(), response.getReasonCode().name());
            System.out.printf("Successfully authenticated with server: %s%n", address);

            SourceRconCmdResponse res = rconClient.execute(address, "echo Hi").join();
            System.out.printf("Response: %s%n", res.getResult());


Rust Rcon Support

To make this library work with rust, please ensure that you start the server with "+rcon.web 0" to enable legcy mode.

It's also worth noting that Facepunch will eventually remove legacy mode (source protocol implementation) sometime in the future and will be replaced by their websockets implementation as the default.

Currently, there are no plans to support the web sockets version.