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Master Server Query

  • This module implements the master server legacy protocol.
  • The master servers are heavily rate-limited, so the rate-limiting features are enabled by default.
  • If you encounter any issues with the legacy module, then I would recommend you try the undocumented web api version. See GameServersService interface in the web api module. Usage example also shown below.
  1. Failsafe Features
  2. Examples
    1. Web API version
    2. Legacy version

Failsafe Features

List of failsafe features implemented on this module

Policy Options Class Enabled by Default Description
Retry Policy FailsafeOptions Yes A request is re-sent when a TimeoutException is thrown
Circuit Breaker Policy FailsafeOptions Yes Fail-fast when a certain number of failures reach the specified threshold


Web API Version
  • You can still use the MasterServerFilter class to help you in building server filters.
class MasterWebApiExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      String authToken = "<steam api token>";
      try (SteamWebApiClient client = new SteamWebApiClient(authToken)) {
         GameServersService gameServersService = new GameServersService(client);
         MasterServerFilter filter = MasterServerFilter.create().appId(730).dedicated(true);
         CompletableFuture<List<GameServer>> serverListFuture = gameServersService.getServerList(filter.toString(), 10);
         int ctr = 1;
         for (GameServer server : serverListFuture.join()) {
            System.out.printf("%03d) name = %s, ip = %s%n", ctr++, server.getName(), server.getAddr());
Legacy Version
  • In this example, we retrieve addresses from all regions (REGION_ALL). We also pass a callback TriConsumer<InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress, Throwable> to display the addresses in real time.
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

class MasterServerQueryExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      try (MasterServerQueryClient client = new MasterServerQueryClient()) {
         MasterServerFilter filter = MasterServerFilter.create().dedicated(true).isEmpty(false);
         MasterServerResponse response = client.getServers(MasterServerType.SOURCE, MasterServerRegion.REGION_ALL, filter, this::displayIp).join();
         Set<InetSocketAddress> serverList = response.getServerList();
         System.out.printf("Got a total of %d addresses from the master server%n", serverList.size());

   public void displayIp(InetSocketAddress address, InetSocketAddress sender, Throwable error) {
      if (error != null) {
      System.out.printf("[%s] Server : %s%n", sender, address);