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Web API General Usage

Web API Request Example

All Web API clients requires an API token String argument to be passed to it's constructor. This will be used for authenticating your requests with the server.

class WebApiGeneralUsage {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //API Token
        String token = "<replace with your token here>";

        //Create and initialize client
        try (CocWebApiClient client = new CocWebApiClient(token)) {

            //Create and initialize the interface, passing the client as argument for the default constructor
            CocClans clans = new CocClans(client);

            //Invoke the request
            CompletableFuture<List<CocClanDetailedInfo>> clanDetailsFuture = clans.searchClans(criteria);

            //Do something with clanDetailsFuture...

Retrieving the result (blocking)

Here we use the get() method of the returned CompletableFuture, which will block until a response is received from the server. If the request fails, an ExecutionException (checked) will be thrown. Alternatively, you can use join() which is the same as get() but throws a CompletionException (unchecked) instead.

import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

class WebApiGeneralUsageBlocking {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //API Token
        String token = "<replace with your token here>";

        //Create and initialize client
        try (CocWebApiClient client = new CocWebApiClient(token)) {

            //Create and initialize the interface, passing the client as argument for the default constructor
            CocClans clans = new CocClans(client);

            //Invoke the request
            List<CocClanDetailedInfo> result = clans.searchClans(criteria).get();
            System.out.println("RESPONSE: " + result);

Retrieving the result (non-blocking)

import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

class WebApiGeneralUsageNonBlocking {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //API Token
        String token = "<replace with your token here>";

        //Create and initialize client
        try (CocWebApiClient client = new CocWebApiClient(token)) {

            //Create and initialize the interface, passing the client as argument for the default constructor
            CocClans clans = new CocClans(client);

            //Invoke the request
            CompletableFuture<List<CocClanDetailedInfo>> clanDetailsFuture = clans.searchClans(criteria);

            //did we receive a response?
            if (clanDetailsFuture.isDone()) {
                System.out.println("RESPONSE: " + clanDetailsFuture.get());
            } else {
                clanDetailsFuture.thenAccept(response -> System.out.println("RESPONSE: " + response));


  • Close the client when no longer in use
  • Creating client instances can be expensive, use only one instance as much as possible and share it across the interfaces.
  • Multiple clients will share the same executor service by default to minimize thread creation