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Source Server Queries

  1. Supported Queries
  2. Supported Failsafe Policies
  3. Examples
    1. Non-Blocking Queries
    2. Blocking Queries
    3. Manually obtaining a challenge number
    4. Failsafe - Rate limited queries

Supported Queries

Below are the list of supported server queries

Name Description Protocol Requires Challenge
Info General information about the source server (Now supports challenge based requests) A2S_INFO No
Players Information about the players currently present in the source server A2S_PLAYER Yes
Rules A list of rules specified by the server A2S_RULES Yes
Challenge Request a challenge number to be used for challenge based requests. A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE No

Supported Failsafe Policies

Below are the list of supported failsafe features available for this module

Policy Options Class Enabled by Default Description
Retry FailsafeOptions Yes A request is re-attempted when a TimeoutException is thrown
Rate Limiter FailsafeOptions No Limit the frequency of requests. Useful if the servers you are querying are rate-limited.


Note: Every query returns a response of type SourceQueryResponse. Below are the following information made available to you by the response object:

Name Description Type Method
Address The address/port of the server InetSocketAddress getAddress()
Request The originating request AbstractRequest getRequest()
Result The underlying result sent by the server Object getResult()
Non-Blocking Example
  • We use a simple synchronization barrier (CountDownLatch) to allow us to wait unti a response has been received from the server
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

class NonBlockingQueryExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        //You can use the try with block to automatically close the client after use.
        try (SourceQueryClient client = new SourceQueryClient()) {
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27015);
            CompletableFuture<SourceQueryInfoResponse> infoFuture = client.getInfo(address);
            if (infoFuture.isDone()) {
                SourceQueryInfoResponse response = infoFuture.getNow(null);
            } else {
                infoFuture.whenComplete((info, error) -> {
                    try {
                        //Check if we received an error
                        if (error != null) {
                        //Display result
                    } finally {

            //wait till we have received a response

    private static void printResponse(SourceQueryResponse response) {
        System.out.printf("Received response from server (Address: %s, Request: %s, Result: %s)%n", response.getAddress(), response.getRequest(), response.getResult());
Blocking Example
class BlockingQueryExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //You can use the try with block to automatically close the client after use.
        try (SourceQueryClient client = new SourceQueryClient()) {
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27015);
            SourceQueryInfoResponse info = client.getInfo(address).join();

    private static void printResponse(SourceQueryResponse response) {
        System.out.printf("Received response from server (Address: %s, Request: %s, Result: %s)%n", response.getAddress(), response.getRequest(), response.getResult());

Obtaining a challenge number manually

Queries such as getPlayers() and getRules() requires a valid challenge number to be included in your request. Since version 1.0.0, the library is now configured to automatically obtain a new challenge number if the server requires it. You can still manually obtain a challenge number by calling SourceQueryClient.getChallenge() then passing its result to one of the overloaded methods provided by this library:

Overloaded methods accepting a non-null challenge integer.

Query Method
Info getInfo(InetSocketAddress, Integer)
Players getPlayers(InetSocketAddress, Integer)
Rules getRules(InetSocketAddress, Integer)


  • As of 12/8/2020, valve has updated A2S_INFO protocol to optionally support challenge based requests. Because of this, some servers might be configured to respond with a challenge request before sending the actual response. The library supports this new change.
  • In this example, we obtain challenge number with type SourceChallengeType.INFO
  • Passing a non-null challenge integer (regardless if its valid or not) will implicitly disable auto-update. This means that the library will not automatically request for a new challenge number. Instead, it will attempt to send the query, but if the server requires a valid challenge number then a SourceChallengeException will be thrown.
  • You can obtain the updated challenge number via SourceChallengeException.getChallenge().
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

class ManualChallengeNumber {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        try (SourceQueryClient client = new SourceQueryClient()) {
            //First we obtain a challenge number from the server
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27015);
            CompletableFuture<SourceQueryInfoResponse> infoFuture = queryClient.getChallenge(address, SourceChallengeType.INFO)
                                                                               .thenCompose(challengeResponse -> queryClient.getInfo(challengeResponse.getAddress(), challengeResponse.getResult()));
            if (infoFuture.isDone()) {
                try {
                    SourceQueryInfoResponse response = infoFuture.get();
                    if (response != null) {
                        System.out.printf("[INFO] Response from '%s' = %s%n", response.getAddress(), response.getResult());
                } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                    Throwable cause = e.getCause();
                    if (cause != null) {
                        if (cause instanceof SourceChallengeException) {
                            Integer newChallengeNumber = ((SourceChallengeException) cause).getChallenge();
                            System.err.printf("Received new challenge number: %d%n", newChallengeNumber);
                            //TODO: resend request with updated challenge number from 'newChallengeNumber'

                        } else {
                            throw cause;
                    } else {
                        throw e;
            } else {
                infoFuture.whenComplete((response, error) -> {
                    if (error != null) {
                        //check if we receive SourceChallengeException
                    System.out.printf("[INFO] Response from '%s' = %s%n", response.getAddress(), response.getResult());

Rate limited queries

Server queries are not rate-limited by default. You will have to explicitly enable it via configuration. You can adjust the rate limit strategy to either BURST or SMOOTH.

import com.ibasco.agql.core.enums.RateLimitType;
import com.ibasco.agql.core.util.FailsafeOptions;
import com.ibasco.agql.protocols.valve.source.query.SourceQueryClient;
import com.ibasco.agql.protocols.valve.source.query.SourceQueryOptions;

import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class QueryTest {

   private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(50);

   private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      new QueryTest().run();

   private void run() throws Exception {
      //sv_max_queries_sec_global 5           // Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere. (Default: 60)
      //sv_max_queries_sec 5                  // Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address. (Default 3.0)
      //sv_max_queries_window 200             // Window over which to average queries per second averages. (Default: 30)
      SourceQueryOptions options = SourceQueryOptions.builder()
                                                     //enable rate limiting
                                                     .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_ENABLED, true)
                                                     //Select rate limit strategy (BURST or SMOOTH)
                                                     .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_TYPE, RateLimitType.SMOOTH)
                                                     .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_PERIOD, 5000L)
                                                     .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_MAX_EXEC, 10L)
                                                     .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_MAX_WAIT_TIME, 10000L)
                                                     .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RETRY_ENABLED, false)
                                                     .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RETRY_BACKOFF_ENABLED, false)
      InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27016);

      //Send 50 requests asynchronously
      try (SourceQueryClient client = new SourceQueryClient(options)) {
         for (int i = 0; i < latch.getCount(); i++) {
         //wait until we have received everything
         System.out.println("Waiting for all futures to complete");

   private void printResponse(SourceQueryInfoResponse response, Throwable error) {
      try {
         if (error != null) {
         assert response.getAddress() == response.getResult().getAddress();
         SourceServer info = response.getResult();
         System.out.printf("[%s] %03d Got response from '%s' = %s (%d/%d)%n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), counter.incrementAndGet(), response.getAddress(), info.getName(), info.getNumOfPlayers(), info.getMaxPlayers());
      } finally {


Note: Example program run with with verbose mode enabled -Dagql.verbose=true

Waiting for all futures to complete
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=JJCR7ACAKBY] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=1XTSSSO57ES] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-4] 001 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=TBVXMV1GDYY] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-6] 002 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=VRVECM2ZESA] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-2] 003 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=ESFDUVNH64] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-8] 004 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=AXBN4ZETEPO] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-7] 005 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=1O9ALEVB4SA] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-5] 006 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=96GLQXS8PVM] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-9] 007 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=VEWKU75GUWY] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-1] 008 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=XXMDJU820G] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-3] 009 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=39MRZEXPS] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-2] 010 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=PID3KZ3K7I] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-9] 011 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=DICZIFDPNEM] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-1] 012 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=2WYFR3L1QAK] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-7] 013 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=RBL1FAVLOEE] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-6] 014 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=W7J7NKMGDVI] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-2] 015 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=UXCBZKCSU] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-8] 016 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=ZOOHXCROHYG] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-3] 017 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=TIWTCXYJXJW] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-1] 018 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=0CQCRMMC70] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-7] 019 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=SH1OAYGII6O] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-8] 020 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=YGLKXUVIC0] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-3] 021 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=2XW4WQMVLI] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-7] 022 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=WN2UFTWQ9CU] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-3] 023 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=HLVTI2MSWI0] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-1] 024 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=HSXSNIHOF3A] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-5] 025 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=ALEU0HRZMX8] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-5] 026 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=DREFOEDHHZI] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-9] 027 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=HRBGSQBRBV0] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-7] 028 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=HJ4DNVEIE] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-4] 029 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=TO5LGE9DQGO] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-5] 030 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=XWRZBZYYGBW] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-1] 031 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=OULEBW5HJO] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-2] 032 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=G95DOY15ZS] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-4] 033 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=SEZS0RA0HLY] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-2] 034 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=FM52D91TCDQ] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-3] 035 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=GB4FZFIDIDY] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-9] 036 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=L0JM3UF03QS] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-5] 037 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=7ODSFHGL5T0] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-7] 038 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=FAQUB6AJJGI] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-9] 039 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=YLTOTQDICEW] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-6] 040 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=8SJVPUELHOS] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-2] 041 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=ABREN5XZOVW] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-8] 042 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=ASM0WPZKYEY] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-4] 043 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=U9GHFY9OXK] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-9] 044 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=MTIVSFWHFFI] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-8] 045 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=LRIEY0SGKUI] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-6] 046 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=ZC5ENB1VQTU] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-8] 047 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=DXLSTRP9ITA] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-6] 048 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[rate-limiter-3-1] Acquiring send permit for SourceQueryInfoRequest[id=IRSUCUSSGI0] (Max Rate: 500ms)
[agql-el-1-5] 049 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[agql-el-1-6] 050 Got response from '/' = Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Test Server #00 (0/8)
[main       ] Requested to release resource 'com.ibasco.agql.core.util.AgqlManagedExecutorService@49fc609f' (Subtrahend: 1, Old Ref Count: 1, New Ref Count: 0)
[main       ] Reference count of resource 'com.ibasco.agql.core.util.AgqlManagedExecutorService@49fc609f' has reached 0. Attempting to close
[main       ] Shutting down executor service 'com.ibasco.agql.core.util.AgqlManagedExecutorService@49fc609f' (Reference count: 0)

Process finished with exit code 0